Monitoring cameras in a map

2024-12-10Last updated

Using the Maps task, you can monitor camera states, live and recorded video, and their associated events.

What you should know

In the Maps task, you can:
  • View the state of a camera (offline, online, warning state, maintenance mode).
  • View live or playback video.
  • View camera events.
  • Control cameras and associated entity commands.


  1. From the vertical navigation bar, click Maps.
    Genetec Web App Tasks Menu drop down list.
  2. Click the Select map list and select your desired map.
    Select map drop-down list in Genetec Web App Maps task.
  3. Search for a specific camera using the search bar, or navigate to a camera marker () in your map view.
  4. To view associated video, hover over the camera marker.
    Video feed pop up when hovering over camera icon on a map.
  5. Click a camera marker to display video, entity controls, and events in a side panel.
    Maps page side panel for cameras.
    Note: To enlarge the video displayed in the side panel, click the Maximize video () button.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.